
Staging For Bird Owners

Birds are enjoyable pets, and exotic birds come in beautiful colours. It's natural to want to show them off, but is it a good choice when you are staging? Here are a few reasons birds may detract when showing a home.

  1. Feathers - and seeds! Even new bird cage designs allow a few of these to find the floor.
  2. Flutters - a surprising number of people dislike or fear birds, and this may distract them from enjoying your home.
  3. Fantasy - When trying to create the image of an idyllic lifestyle, cages suggest 'work' because they require cleaning - even if they are perfectly clean at the time.

When selling, you want buyers to put themselves in your place - literally- and imagine comfortably living in your home. So if possible, try to arrange a mini vacation for the birds in your life when your house is for sale, and enjoy the happy reunion in your new place.

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